Mixing – Sound Design – Location sound
Barrage is a horror comedy by Rémi Fréchette, from Chaos Productions, released in 2023.
It’s a short film in which two telephone line repairmen go to the site of a hydroelectric dam in 1960s northern Quebec to make a frightening discovery. They realize that several of the workers have disappeared, or rather been transformed into strange creatures by a strange evil power. They’ll try to stop the spell, but it won’t be without its challenges! The film is also distributed by Welcome Aboard at various festivals, including SPASM, Blood in the Snow Film Festival, CRASH – Mostra Internacional de Cinema Fantástico, DC Shorts and Festival du Cinéma de la Ville de Québec.
Notes Productions mixed the film in 5.1 for the best cinema sound, created the incredible sound design to support all the visual special effects, and also handled a portion of the sound location.
A project that shone thanks to the participation of many actors, including Dominic St-Laurent, Serge Boulianne, Chrystelle Quintin, Angie Russo, Stéphane E. Roy, Sylvio Arriola, Frédéric Boudreault, Roch Aubert, Roxanne Bertrand and many others! The work of a fine team, who gave their all under sometimes unbelievable shooting conditions. Here’s the poster for Philippe Tremblay’s film!